Midwest Hemp Trip and NEW Hurd Products!

Last week, Native Prairie Hemp founder Bill Cook visited Midwest Hemp in Augusta, Kansas, to drop off hemp bales and pick up hemp hurd from CEO Sarah Stephens. We have enjoyed a collaboration with Midwest Hemp for a while, carrying other of their products, such as hemp protein powder and hemp seed oil. He got the opportunity to learn more about ways to use and incorporate hurd into daily life. Sarah is a wealth of knowledge on the topic, as well as a producer of high-quality hemp hurd and products, so she was the perfect person to talk to on the topic.

Her suggested uses include mulch for gardening, the deep litter method in chicken coops, and cat litter. Using hemp mulch is more than just long-lasting and eco-friendly; it also can keep pests away from gardens while being a natural insulator, protecting gardens from natural factors. In chicken coops, the deep litter method, when maintained correctly, can improve chicken health while saving time and money. Hemp bedding is safer for chickens and more absorbent than pine shavings used in coops, making hemp bedding the best option. Fine hemp hurd can even benefit cat owners! It is biodegradable, chemical-free, absorbent, non-clumping, and safer for cats than standard kitty  litter. Overall, hemp hurd can benefit your garden and animals in significant ways while staying environmentally friendly! We would love to help you with all your hemp needs, so stop by our shop to purchase products or schedule a tour of our hemp fields!


Pictured above is Bill Cook and Sarah Stephens next to super sacks of hemp hurd, loaded to return to Garden City, Missouri, where our warehouse and shop reside.


Below, Bill Cook brought hemp bales to Midwest Hemp in late June.






Interested in hemp hurd, hemp products, CBD, or even growing hemp? Contact us at (816)680-8449 or daphnec@nativeprairiehemp.com, visit our shop website or store for CBD products, or follow us on social media to learn more! We would love to discuss hemp with anyone and everyone!



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