On April 5, Sarah Stephens, CEO of Midwest Hemp Technology and Hempy’s Heart, visited Native Prairie Hemp on planting day. She stopped by to offer her expertise, as well as discuss the health benefits of hemp as food, logistics of this year’s planting, and ways to improve hemp yield. She and Bill Cook discussed this in an interview about all things hemp.
Bill, founder of Native Prairie Hemp, discusses with Sarah the nature of this year’s hemp season. He has been in the hemp industry since 2019, and in agriculture for over 50 years. Bill has specialized in soybeans and corn for a large majority of those decades and is applying that knowledge to hemp. He discusses how with planting, we are trying new methods that resemble methods used with soybeans and corn. Some notable changes are the depth that seeds are planted at, as well as treating the hemp with a seed coat before planting it. BigYieldCoat, the seed coat of his choice, has proven to increase yield significantly in soybeans and corn, and Bill is confident that it will increase hemp yield, too. In addition to changes in planting methods, he recognizes the need for adapting hemp to pre-existing farm equipment and machinery, particularly during harvest. This will increase earning potential for farmers and cut costs.
Not only is hemp on the road to being more cost-effective and farmer-friendly, it has a plethora of uses. Bill discusses how CBD, along with other cannabinoids, can significantly improve sleep quality and overall well-being. Hemp grain can improve physical health when consumed, as well. For instance, Sarah produces hemp seed oil that is high in omega-3 and omega-6. This can be beneficial to consumers to help meet daily nutritional needs.
Sarah is a hemp producer based in Augusta, Kansas, right outside Wichita. She has lately focused on hemp grains and the health benefits they pose to humans (and eventually animals). Her products help incorporate hemp into everyday routines, such as hemp seed oil, hemp protein powder, and even hemp coffee. In addition to consumable hemp, she produces hemp hurd. Hemp hurd is made from the stalk of the hemp plant, and is oftentimes used in home settings for garden beds and chicken bedding. It provides a safe, durable, and eco-friendly alternative to other bedding and supplies.
Needless to say, their expertise in hemp is invaluable to the US hemp scene. Sarah, Bill, and people like them are the backbone to the growing industry and will make a world of difference for hemp to thrive. We are grateful for her willingness to share her knowledge and look forward to hearing more from her as our 2024 hemp season progresses.
To watch the interview with Sarah Stephens and Bill Cook, check out our Instagram (@nativeprairiehemp) and Facebook (Native Prairie Hemp).